The outside world is thawing out, but if you haven’t consistently washed the salt off your car, it can cause rust to develop under your car, in wheel wells, and on body panels. Rust and winter wear doesn’t just look unsightly, it can make your car less safe to drive.
Taking the time to “de-winterize,” or prepare your car for the upcoming warmer months, can extend the longevity of your car and prevent future unwanted auto repairs. Make sure you quickly run through the following tips to stay safe on the road in the spring.
Check on your tires.
If you switched to winter tires over the colder months, make sure you switch back to all-season tires.
Dry roads will actually wear down the type of rubber on your winter tires more quickly. The worn-down roads and potholes may have also taken a toll on the other elements of your tire system, which could damage your car’s frame and other parts of your car. Take your car in to have its tires rotated so a professional can ensure that you’re driving on safe tires.
Wash under your car.
If your area was hit with snow, make sure to wash your car to eliminate any wear and tear that could damage your vehicle more. recommends washing in the wheel wells and underneath your car, which is where road salt can collect and cause the frame, coil springs, the car’s exhaust, and muffler systems to be damaged.
Make sure you can see.
Windshield wipers get worn with slush, ice, and snow. April showers mean that you’ll need to continue using your windshield wipers, and they should be clean so they can help you see. Clear visibility will keep you safe.
Bring your car in to be serviced.
Having a trusted mechanic inspect your vehicle should be top on your list so you can check fluid levels and colors, engine oil, and other standard checkups. A mechanic can alert you to any signs of future car issues and help you to keep your car for longer.
When you’ve washed all the winter off your vehicle, it’s time to take a look at your policy. Too many policyholders don’t communicate enough with their insurance providers, and you may not realize that you could be saving money or benefiting from other forms of insurance.