Advertising messages tell us that we should shop for our car insurance for better… more… cheaper…
When every car insurance provider advertises itself as the most affordable or offers the most discounts, how do you choose?
Try comparing the following items:
- Price: Chances are you’re reading this article because you’ve just had a rate increase. Either the big insurance company decided to raise your rates, or you had a bit of bad luck in the form of a ticket or accident.
Depending on your driving record, you might be looking for a provider that will not hike up your rates based on past issues. Read more about the factors taken into consideration when calculating car insurance rates.
When looking at a price also consider down payment amount, monthly payments, and of course, levels of coverage.
- Customer service: Long hold times and the inability to get to a customer service representative can be extremely frustrating and dissuade you from attempting to reach out to your insurance provider for assistance at all. If you’re just trying to make a simple change, like adding someone to your policy or updating your coverage in another way, and you hear radio silence from your agent…it might be time to consider a new insurance agency. One that has your best interests in mind.
If you need payment flexibility or want the ability to see your agent in person, make this your deciding factor in choosing the right insurance company/agent for you.
- Unclear billing: Is it clear what you’re paying for? If not, contact your agent right away. This is true whether it’s renewal time or not.
- Bad experience when filing a claim: Did you have a poor experience when attempting to report a claim to your insurance company, and found that the payout was not what you were expecting? Or did it take a long time to actually receive the payment? This kind of treatment is cause to change companies. do your research on our next insurance company to help ensure that this doesn’t happen again.
It’s not always your fault
Sometimes car insurance rates are spiked based on the driving records and demographics of those around you, and it can affect those with a perfect driving record. Premiums might also be raised across the board following a period of high claims as a result of a hurricane or blizzard that results in large insurance company payouts. If this is the case for you, it could be beneficial to shop around for a more affordable option.
Understanding car insurance regulations
If you have big personal changes happening in your life, such as adding a new member to the policy, purchasing a new car, or moving to another state, it’s recommended to take the time to obtain quotes from other insurance companies to see what changes you might see and whether you should be looking elsewhere for coverage. In fact, if you’re moving, you must check to make sure that your current insurance company is licensed in the state to which you are moving.
Are you wondering what type of car insurance you’ll need in Maryland and D.C.? If you aren’t familiar with the regulations of the state or if you’re moving from another state, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself. For example, Maryland and D.C. both require a state inspection before car registration, unless it’s a new car. If it’s a new car, you’re fine. If you’re not familiar with the regulations or have moved from another state, make sure that you know what to expect when looking for car insurance in this state.
No matter “how bad” you think your record is, there are still affordable options for you.
If you have incidents, speeding tickets, or other blemishes on your driving record, it’s still possible to find affordable insurance. At GEBCO, we work with drivers from all backgrounds and different driving records.
You’ve probably been shopping around for different car insurance options and feel like you’ve hit a dead end. But before you give up on finding coverage that you can afford, consider a quick free quote with GEBCO. We can help you with shopping for different companies that work around your price points. Take the time to find affordable coverage that works for you.